Reinforced Glass Fiber

The H2L Building System is a  patented,registered-design building system,which has been entirely developed in Norway. The system consists of elements manufactured from composite materials,Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester(GRP).The elements have a sandwich structure in which the actual GRP wall panels are permanently bonded to a core of fiber oriented mineral wool. The edges of each element are surrounded by a tongue and groove GRP profile. All this is put together in a vacuum,sealing the elements and thus ensuring they are 100%watertight.

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The H2L Building System
comprises elements with standard dimensions of 1.2 x
3.5/3.0/2.5/2.0 metres (width x height). Smaller dimensions
can also be supplied.They can be assembled on top of each
other in order to achieve the required height.The elements
can be supplied in two different thicknesses: 112 and 212
millimetres.The surface coat is 100% ACRYLIC. During the
toughening process, the acrylic paint is exposed to electron
bombardment and radiation using ultraviolet light, giving an
extremely hard and smooth surface.The elements can also
be supplied with a pebble-dashed surface

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The wall elements are delivered with finished coated surfaces

The edges of each element are surrounded by a tongue and groove GRP profile

Windows can be supplied in GRP frames.

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A special cover moulding has been developed for windows to give not only a pleasing finish but also a hygienically-sound joint with the wall.

The profiled bottom rail in GRP is fastened to the floor base

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The wall elements are delivered with finished coated surfaces

The edges of each element are surrounded by a tongue and groove GRP profile

Windows can be supplied in GRP frames

A special cover moulding has been developed for windows to give not only a pleasing finish but also a hygienically-sound joint with the wall.

The profiled bottom rail in GRP is fastened to the floor base

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The smooth surfaces simplify daily cleaning.There is no unevenness or pores whatsoever in the surface, thus preventing the growth of micro-organisms. Joints between walls and floors, ceilings corners, windows, etc are designed to minimize the accumulation of dirt and make cleaning as easy as possible.

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H2L walls are highly resistant to acids, alkalis,
salts and organic solvents.
They are virtually corrosion-free and are
highly suitable for damp and corrosive

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The H2L Building System exhibits an extremely high degree of fire-resistance.After testing by SINTEF (the Foundation for Scientific Industrial Research at the University of Trondheim), the various elements were classified between REI-60 and REI-20 (previously A120).The picture shows a test in which we have let a gas flame scorch continuously for 4 hours.The spread of the fire damage is about 30 cm.

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Fire resistant


The building elements are spray-painted at
the factory and can be supplied in a wide
range of different colours.The walls can also
be supplied with a pebble-dashed surface, in a
variety of colours, allowing the building to
blend naturally into its surroundings.

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Composite materials have a high strength-toweight ratio. H2L Building System walls are
designed so that they can support roof
structures, etc.This simplifies the building
freezing areas that would otherwise be taken
up by supporting columns.The walls also have
excellent impact resistance.

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Water Tight

The H2L Building System is the only solution that
can fully satisfy the criteria of a 100%
watertight wall. Hard, lashing rain is one of the tests
on the system carried out by the Norwegian Building
Research Institute (NBI).The H2L element in the
picture has been submerged for 3 years in a river
without being damaged.

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The composite materials in our structures
guarantee a product that will withstand wear over a
very long time. Maintenance costs are reduced to an
absolute minimum.

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Step 1

Using the H2L Building System is almost like building with LEGO bricks. We supply the elements prefabricated to order. We also supply detailed assembly instructions making it a simple matter to erect a H2L Building. Assembly takes very short time. An element measuring 1.2 x 3.5 meters weighs around 150 kg.

The profiled bottom rail is fixed onto a screeded floor base. It is fastened to the floor base using special bolts.

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The first element is lifted into place and fastened to the profiled bottom rail using a special locking system

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Step 2

Step 3

The next element is positioned beside the first one.
The elements fit into each other on a tongue and groove basis. Pre-assembled subsidiary elements for windows, etc are fitted into place

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Assembly continues in this manner until the wall is complete. Finally, corner pieces and profiled top rails are added, joints are glued together, after which it is just a matter of putting on the roof to enclose the building.

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Step 4

Construction Details

External corner pieces

External corner pieces can be used to provide attractive and practical joints, shown here with a pebble-dashed surface.

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There are special rails in GRP for adding entrances and doors.Windows with GRP frames compatible with Beet walls can be supplied.

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Special Rails

Special rails and ceiling elements

Special rails and ceiling elements are ideal for the joint between the wall and the roof.

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It is often a good idea to build a concrete plinth outside the wall where the wall meets the floor to protect it from damage by fork-lift trucks.

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Concrete plinth

Roof structure

In many cases, the roof structure can be erected on top of the walls without any further support

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