Reference projects in Norway
We have gathered a few selections of reference buildings, where there is utilized our building system
over the years. These are some projects in the eastern part of Norway, in Vestfold and Østfold, close to
the airport Torp in Sandefjord, in case anyone wants to fly there and see some of these structures
themselves. There are of course many more projects spread all over Norway.
The following pictures is of the church in Larvik, which was the first building ever built with the special
wall panels. It was built in 1965, and there has not been any maintenance need on the façade since
more than 54 years. The only couple of things with the building that has had need of refurbishing, and
still do, are the wooden windows, and concrete slab and lower parts of the wall, which is not part of our
building system (you can see the standard concrete falling off on one of the pictures)
Façade of the church in Larvik – built in 1965
Link to Google Maps; Larvik Misjonsmenighet
A former bank building in Larvik, now used as a cafeteria and bar – built in 1966.
Link to Google Maps; Banken