Different building materials

A low carbon footprint materials, with excellent quality at the right price.

We can offer all kinds of different building methods through our network of factories and suppliers and are always looking for the best solutions for a healthy inside environment, with a low carbon footprint, with excellent quality at the right price. The materials listed below are an addition to the aerated foam concrete building system described previously.

Our main material is foam concrete elements as described in the main materials page. In addition to this, we can also deliver a variety of building materials to suit different needs, taste and style.

We can offer regular wooden constructions or wooden constructions using breathable and ecofriendly systems with fiber wood insulation including breathable wall boards and toxic free paints as one alternative. Secondly we can offer an ICF / Neopor® system by BASF which are “lego-like” building blocks filled with reinforced concrete creating a very energy-efficient home at low cost with a short assembly time at a very reasonable cost. Thirdly, we can offer a MgO system we recently have begun cooperating with an international company.

With any of the building materials we will easily achieve up to CSH 6 (Code for Sustainable Homes in the BREEAM system).

Neopor® bulding material. The Power of the Original Grey

Neopor® is an enhancement of BASF’s classic polystyrene foam, Styropor®. The raw material (expandable polystyrene or EPS) contains particles of graphite. This enables the production of insulation boards that perform up to 20 percent more effectively than conventional EPS.

Neopor® is composed of small black beads of polystyrene (EPS) containing particles of graphite and containing blowing agent, which makes it expandable. BASF developed and produces this material, which is processed by foam manufacturers into insulating materials for a wide range of different applications. Neopor® insulating materials offer greater insulating performance and up to 50 percent lower use of materials than conventional EPS.

Neopor® is an enhancement of BASF’s classic polystyrene foam, Styropor®. The raw material (expandable polystyrene or EPS) contains particles of graphite. This enables the production of insulation boards that perform up to 20 percent more effectively than conventional EPS.

In order to meet the bigger demand of energy efficient buildings, we will focus on using the “new” construction system of Neopor® for low energy houses. Have a look at this link to see some pictures of this building material; Neopor

While in Norway this system is not yet used in a large scale, many countries in Europe and also in other parts of the world this building method has been used for some decades. For example in Germany, they have used this system for more than 30 years. The system has had a vast development the recent years, and is today a very cost efficient and low energy system with Germany in the lead of this development together with Estonia, Finland, Austria and Hungary.

The German group we visited in 2014 and this system can be used when building larger projects very professional and efficient as well as cost-effective. This German group claim that they are going to be the key company building an entire sustainable city in Panama for 120.000 people where the entire construction period is estimated to an entire period of 5 years.

The German company also claims to be part of the planning for a sustainable city, situated in Dubai, an entire city for 160.000 people. Work have begun and the plan is to have it finalized before the World Expo in Dubai in the year 2020.

Here is some information about these plans; http://www.khaleejtimes.com/kt-article-display- 1.asp?xfile=data/nationgeneral/2014/March/nationgeneral_March23.xml&section=nationgeneral.

MgO building materials

The finished building material is fire resistant, water resistant, immensely strong with excellent racking strength, is breathable, mildew & rot proof and will not support any mold growth, allows for rapid erection

The MgO-based building material is made with a technology which does not include heating or cooling. The finished building material is fire resistant, water resistant, immensely strong with excellent racking strength, is breathable, mildew & rot proof and will not support any mold growth, allows for rapid erection, can be used internally/externally on walls, floors, roofs, ceilings etc.

This system has many different ways of usage, both for walls and structure for buildings as well as for covering and protecting parts inside the housing units.

Externally it can support the addition of any finish, internally it is pre-finished & ready for decoration, is chemically inert, harmless to the environment when cut and worked, no waste, all off cuts can be ground down and reused.

If flooded, the MgO built house may be washed inside without destroying the structure of the house at all, and after it quickly dries one can repaint it, change floors if necessary and start using it gain quite quickly.

The strength in the construction makes it very strong against hurricanes, tornadoes and so on.

Benefits with the Mgo building materials

Fireproof, moisture- resistance, heat insulation, sound insulation, high strength and light.Easy to install and design, environment friendly , Competitive price

  1. Many advantages: Magnesium fireproof board has many advantages just as fireproof, moisture- resistance, heat insulation, sound insulation, high strength and light.
  2. Easy to install: Magnesium fireproof board is easy and convenient to install and will not break during installation.
  3. Good effect: One can design mostly anything with it which is durable, so it gives customers a perfect long lasting, decorative effect.
  4. Environmental friendly: Magnesium fireproof board is made of natural inorganic material. It does not contain asbestos nor methyl alcohol.
  5. Competitive price: Because of the large output and the high technology using in producing the board, the price of the magnesium fireproof board is competitive compared to other building materials.